Dark Humor Books


Dark humor is like a special kind of laughter that helps us feel better, especially when things are tough. turning sad or difficult moments into something we can laugh about together.


"Good Omens" is a funny and creative book by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. It follows the story of Aziraphale, an angel, and Crowley, a demon, who join forces to stop the world from ending. The catch is, they've grown to like Earth and its people and don't want everything to come to an end...


"Catch-22 is a special book written by Joseph Heller. It's like a story puzzle happening during  World War II. The main character is Captain John Yossarian, a flyer in the Air Force...


"A Confederacy of Dunces" is a funny story written by John Kennedy Toole. It's all about a guy named Ignatius J. Reilly, who is quite strange and lives in New Orleans. Ignatius is smart but a bit lazy, and he still...
